Each decision we make causes a ripple effect as if on a calm crystal lake. Majority of the time we don't know how or who our decision will effect. One small action, by someone I will never meet, changed my way of thinking forever. One Sunday when I was around 13 years old I was sitting in a Sunday school lesson. The lesson that day had been about the importance and significance of a temple marriage.

When you find that special someone that you want to spend the rest of your life by and can't imagine them not being in your life; don't you find yourself saying how you want to be together forever? Well in the majority of marriage ceremonies in the world the phrase "till death do us part" is at the end of each vow. Does this incline that after one dies your love for them stops? Do you really want to be parted by death? What about after this life? Part of the lesson we were taught showed a video clip {that I couldn't find even with intensive search on Google} of the stunning Jackie Kennedy at her husband's casket. She took off her wedding band and placed it on his finger before they closed the casket forever. If something horrible were to happen to your loved one, how horrible is it to think that is the end? Heaven forbid if something happened to myself or my husband I know I can find comfort in the fact that it is just temporary and that we will be together forever, beyond this life on earth. This video was the first moment that I can remember knowing that when I got married it would be in the temple.
I love the temple and we are so blessed to be surrounded by so many temples in a short drive. In three months Jeff and I have visited 3 different temples. I want to attend at least 1 session in as many temples as I can around the world. Ones I want to visit the most are:
Kona, Hawaii |
Manhattan, NY (because of my obsession with NYC) |
Rome, Italy... once its finished and Paris (no sketch of it yet) |
Like majority of people San Diego, California |
Washington D.C. |
I am so thankful for all the blessings that I have been given and the opportunities in my life. I have had to face many trials and I know everything has made me a stronger and better person. The best thing in my life is knowing that I am sealed together to the love of my life and that our children will grow up with the knowledge and blessings of the church.
Love Always,
I love this post. You would love the D.C. Temple - it's so beautiful on the inside and out. It's our assigned temple out here... love it!
I loved reading this, thank you for sharing! I love visiting the temples too! I have been to the Kona, Hawaii one and it is beautiful!! :)
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